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SB 1383
SB 1383
About SB 1383
What is SB 1383?
Why was SB 1383 written?
Why is SB 1383 important?
What is required of Donors who fall into either of the Tier categories?
Who is affected by SB 1383?
How do local governments and jurisdictions contribute?
Goals & Timeline
What are the overall goals and timeline?
When will SB 1383 take effect?
Benefits & Why You Should Donate
How does SB 1383 help my business?
How can Replate help Donors with compliance?
Why should I donate food even if I'm not required to under SB 1383?
Penalties, Enforcement, and Exemption
Are there penalties when a Donor is not in compliance?
Who will enforce SB 1383?
Who is exempt from SB 1383?